Marketing & Growth Strategies for 2020: Scale Your Business!

By Logic Inbound (other events)

Tuesday, October 15 2019 5:30 PM 6:30 PM PST

At this event, we'll break down the top marketing & growth strategies that you can use to propel your business forward.

About this Event

If you're looking to grow your business, having an effective marketing strategy is absolutely crucial. Any great strategies we can use to acquire more customers in a cost-effective way is setting the foundation for future growth and profitability.

This event is tailored for the ambitious entrepreneur or professional who has no ceiling and wants to be empowered with knowledge that will serve them in gaining new customers, making more money, and growing their brand in a multitude of ways. As marketers, we try everything, so let this event be a gift to you as we expose what works, what doesn't, and bring to light powerful ideas you never have even thought about.

Those on stage are entrepreneurs that have vast experience and expertise on what it takes to grow a client services business. It happens to be that they've all built marketing agencies, so not only do they know how to acquire clients for their own businesses, but they additionally have strong expertise on how to market a variety of brands in various industries and fields. Whether you're selling a service or a product, our speakers have been there and done that.

The roundtable discussion will be moderated by Alec Mountain and Christopher Davies. Alec is the founder of Product Blitz, a growth marketing agency that specializes in helping companies scale their revenue online using social media advertising. Christopher is the founder of Pondhr, a consultancy that helps build & train organizational engagement.



Josh is a serial entrepreneur, most notable for being the CEO of Project Bionic, a notable advertising agency in Seattle specializing in social media. Josh Dirks has a wealth of experience building companies, marketing various products & services, and working with big-name clients.


Vlad is the CEO of Logic Inbound, an SEO agency based of Seattle that helps clients market effectively through Google. He's also an epic community builder and networker, having built one of the most prominent startup event communities in the area.


Sue Sanford is the CEO and Co-Founder of Upstart Group, a provider of fractional marketing executives and marketing management services to small-mid size companies. With more than twenty years of experience, she has worked with all sizes of companies, from global enterprises such as Microsoft to emerging start-ups.


Here’s the structure of the event:

5:30PM - 6:00PM: Networking

6:00PM - 7:00PM: Roundtable Discussion + Q&A

7:00PM - 7:30PM: More Networking

*Light food and beverages will be provided at the event


RSVP below to ensure you get a spot.

*This event is sponsored by Expanse Business Development